FORGOT YOUR DETAILS? ProPeel | kojic-5 ProPeel | kojic-5

For Professional Use Only.

The ProPeel system is a highly effective superficial chemical peeling system formulated specifically for aesthetic skincare professionals. The ProPeel | kojic-5 contains 5% kojic acid. Use in conjunction with the glycolic-20 citric-30, glycolic-35 citric-30, or glycolic-50 citric-30 to optimise skin results.

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targeted benefits

When layering these ingredients in the ProPeel systems, they have a targeted effect and benefit on the skin by lightening skin discolorations and hyperpigmentation:

  1. Glycolic acid has excellent clinical efficacy in the treatment of superficial hyperpigmentation;
  2. Citric acid has predominantly antioxidant skin effects and boosts the effect of glycolic acid;
  3. Kojic acid’s depigmenting ability originates from a potent inhibition of tyrosinase by chelating copper at the active site of the enzyme;

how to use

The ProPeel system is specifically designed to be used on the face but can be used on other areas of the body including the neck, arms, back, ears, and even the hands and feet.

For optimal results Skin Ingredients recommends that six treatments are performed at 3 to 6 weekly intervals between each treatment. Booster peel treatments should be performed every 4 to 8 weeks to ensure ongoing results.


Kojic acid 5%, 2-Pyrrolidone, Ethylene diglycol, Macrogol.


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